Film Preparation

Actors: Saoirse, Sarah, Carson and I

Costumes: all black outfits during bank robbery, possibly with ski masks. After that, it doesn't matter as much, probably just regular clothes that any teenager wears

Props: fake guns (if allowed), like water guns; monopoly money to throw out of car window; car, maybe a good looking car like Stuy's Audi

Locations: Bank, like Saoirse's dad's bank; someone's house for when talking to mom; airport to film character leaving (film them walking towards security, then switch to plane flying away)

Dates/Times: During the day, starting next week 2/3/20

Scripts: We don't have a script as of now, and probably won't, as most of it is just action and not dialogue. For the parts when we do talk, the actors/actresses will just talk off the top of their heads

Film Equipment: Videos will most likely be filmed on phones, but we will try to stabilise the camera as much as possible to prevent it from wobbling


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