Peer Reviews

What people liked about my movie opener:
"I liked that it was suspenseful and interesting to watch. I like that the story eventually came together. Originally, I was confused about why there was a video of the plane, but the ending where the character went off walking toward a plane connected everything together."
"I liked the opening airplane takeoff. It seemed like a valid video to insert the names of actors."
"I loved the very last transition, where the camera zoomed into Kelsey holding Saoirse's license, then when it zoomed out Saoirse was there. It was smooth, unique, and well done."
"I like how there was a mix of diegetic and non diegetic sound. I like how they mimicked actual film openings by stating "SSKC Prod" at the beginning and some opening credits with their names. I like how they attempted a plot line. I liked the plane landing. I liked the variety of shots and editing techniques seen. "
"I really liked how the beginning and end matched up, starting and then ending at the airport."
" really liked the hints of comedy in the film. For example, the money flying out of the car and the mom."
"I liked the story and the different shots like the extreme long shot in the plane and the symbolism shown with the license picture. The outfits added a nice touch to the story to make it seem more real. I also thought that the foreshadow with the plane scene was good."
"I liked the very beginning of the opening where we can see the plane taking off and then at the end of the opening it shows one of the characters going away in an airport. the tying back aspect of it was really creative and neat. The plot and the movie genre was obvious and to the point"
"I liked the music that played in the first 30 seconds and I think it fit really well with the mood and emotion being shown of the plane. I also like the intensity and fast paced scenes that were shot, this gave the audience a sense of urgency."

Most people liked the opening scene, showing a plane taking off. We thought this would be a good first scene to open up the movie calmly and go through the credits before more of the action takes place. Along with this, people liked how at the end of our movie opener it showed the main character walking towards a plane, indicating that she was leaving and getting back on a plane. From this feedback, we're definitely going to keep the opening and ending scenes.

What confused people about my movie opener:
"I was confused during the first few seconds of the opening until I realized the person filming was on a plane. The angle of the plane confused me at first, but I eventually realized what I was looking at. "
"The robbery itself was kind of confusing just because it was too straightforward and everyone was screaming over eachother."
"Nothing left me confused except for where Kelsey was going at the end of the opening. I knew her mom was sick, but I didn't understand why she was leaving and where she was going. I don't know if this was meant to be explained later on if this were a full movie, but that is the only thing that really had me confused."
"I was confused by the story line. Personally, I think there were too many elements for a 2-3 minute film opening. I feel they tried to fit too much into the first few minutes, almost as if we were supposed to be watching the whole movie in just the opening. Because of this, many of the different parts were stuck together in a way that I felt like it didn't flow. I couldn't tell if they were trying to be comical or serious, or a little bit of both. Consequently I did not understand the plot development, for example, why it started on a plane and ended at an airport."
"I was confused when Kelsey held up Saoirses license and then it changed to Saoirse."
"The purpose of the plane taking off in the beginning was unclear. If it was meant to be a foreshadowing then making you can use another filter to distinguish the two timeframes. "
"Yes, I was confused during license scene because I didn't understand why Kelsey was the only one fleeing the country when she wasn't alone during the robbery. "
"I thought the ending was a bit confusing. Was there an identity change? Maybe this will be further elaborated if a movie were to be made. "
"The ending confused me a lot and I really didn't understand the point it was trying to make. I didn't understand Kelsey's line and Saoirse's appearance afterwards. I didn't understand if that was supposed to be a character swap on purpose, or she was supposed to be changing her appearance or what. I think clarification on this would be good."

Although people also seemed to like it, viewers were also confused as to why the movie opener starts with a plane taking off and ends with a character at an airport. I understand how this can be confusing, and I think we're going to add a voiceover at the end to clarify some things. For example, people were also confused about the transition between myself and Saoirse when indicating that we were switching identities. I thought the dialogue made it more clear by saying "I'm doing this for you mom, even if I don't look like myself anymore." Although, we will also address this issue in a voiceover to tell more of the story to help guide viewers.

Suggestions people had about my movie opener:
"I thought the plot was really interesting! It could have been a little bit more fluent, but I think it leaves just enough to the audiences imagination. This would definitely be a great opening for a movie. "
"Make the robbery look more believable and use more transitions. Maybe show the preparations the main character makes to flee. For example, the change in identity by changing her hair, doing some makeup with her turned away in a chair, etc. Show the importance of the mother by having the mother grab the main character’s hand after receiving the medicine and telling her how much she is needed."
"The music at the beginning didn't really match up with what was going on in the scene, maybe put something more suspenseful and scary, and less happy and uplifting-something to match the robbery and the action. Maybe include more interesting transitions from scene to scene, and different camera angles."
"I think to remedy the confusion they should take out some of the different plot points. I don't think the plane, the bank robbery, the getaway car, going to the house, and then the changing identity have to be shown. I think that they were trying to be creative, and the plot itself wasn't bad at all, it just was too much for two minutes. Maybe take out the everything after the bank robbery and have a voice over about why they robbed the bank or something? I don't know, I just think there needed to be some clarification rather than moving on to the next scene. Also, the first airplane scene was a really cool shot, but I think it needed to be turned horizontally (it was filmed by holding the phone vertically). The angle was weird and I had to turn my head to see it properly and that should be an easy fix. Even though there would be black on the sides if you flipped the angle I don't think it would look bad. Another thing I would change would be to add your title to the last five seconds of blackness. I think that would be where the title would be displayed in an actual film opening so it would fit best there. If you all decide to keep the part with the bank robbery, if we go back to school I think it would be cool if you guys utilized the green screen in Mrs. Henderson's room. that way the setting would look more realistic even if it is supposed to be comical. Overall, I liked the variety of shots and editing and even if you don't take the suggestions it will still be a good film opening. "
"I would suggest adding in more dialogue about why they needed to steel the money and how it was for the mom."
"One thing I noticed is that before the car drives off with money flying out, it appears to be sitting still. By cutting the clip to just show it driving by, it will make the transition more seamless. "
"I would definitely say to edit the scene with the plane because it took up mostly half of the opening. Also, change the background music during the robbery scene because the music does not correlate with what's happening at all and would confuse the audience. Add some more suspenseful and action-like elements to fit the action/adventure theme. "
"i thought that the scene of where the bank robbery took place was a bit cheesy. The costumes of the robbers could have been better, wearing all black pants and hoodies with masks. Setting wise I did not think that it was the ideal place to make it into a "bank". You should not have to write "bank" on a piece of paper in order to make it obvious to the viewer that the location of where the action is taking place is a bank. "
"I think the idea and the plot of this opening were good but just needed more time put into it. It felt like the filming was rushed and did not have a lot of clarity to it. I think that the scenes need to be taken more seriously and have more thought out approaches. The building blocks of the film were there, it could have just been enhanced with more time and attention to detail. "

First off, we're going to change the direction of the first clip to horizontally instead of vertically, as it looks a bit weird. We're not going to take anything out because it al helps develop the plot. We will also change the music in the first scene to something more dramatic, to demonstrate our action/adventure genre. Although we are aware that the bank robbery was a little cheesy and obviously not real, we're going to keep it because it still gets the point across. Also, it is a little hard to film during quarantine. Overall, we will go back through the movie opener and clear anything up that is not obvious to help viewers understand the opener better. 


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