
Showing posts from March, 2020

Robbed- Rough Draft

Editing-week 2

When I continued editing, I thought it was best to add a transition of "Dip to Black" in between the scenes showing the main character change her identity into a new person. The first clip starts off as seen in the Source box and zooms in on the ID, while the clip in the Program box starts already zoomed in on the ID and zooms out from there to show the other girl. The change in clothes also helps to show that the main character's identification is truly changed. 

Editing- week 1

I started editing by adding one clip at a time and making sure that the timing and transitions made sense. Sometimes when filming, too much information can be left out, leaving the viewer confused, so I wanted to make sure that the transitions from one scene to the next were smooth. I have not added any titles, effects, specific transitions, or other audio yet, because that's what my other group members are supposed to do, as one other group member and I filmed. A problem I faced was that I was trying to delete one of the clips in the project box, because it had been duplicated, but I ended up deleting the whole video I had made so far. Luckily, I wasn't too far along in the editing process and was able to simply arrange the videos back together.

Filming- week 2

The next scene we shot was at a makeshift bank. We realised it would probably be a bad idea if we pretended to actually rob a bank, so we decided to make a bank of our own, as indicated by the white table with the label "BANK" on it. Because we were missing a few group members, we fortunately found another friend who helped us film, playing the role of the bank teller. We gave her a nice blouse and my glasses to make her look more professional. This scene was probably the most fun to film, as it really demonstrated the genre of action/adventure. 

Filming- week 1

The first scene we began filming was where one of the bank robbers came home to give her sick and dying mother medicine and some money. This was one of the easier scenes to film because we just did it in one of our group member's house with her sister. I thought the costume was very funny, creative, and played a large role in carrying out the scene. Because we don't have a specific script, we had to come up with what the dialogue and body language was going to be between the mother and daughter.